CSSL is a 100% Export Oriented Granite Cutting and Polishing Unit, equipped with latest hi-tech computerized machines from Italy.

We and our associates have 12 Jumbo gangsaws and 25 block cutters of granite. Our associates execute projects by installing of granites, marbles & other stones at project site.

What We Do

Our control of mining and production facilities gives us the ability to customize any order beyond the limits of what is advertised, an option that truly sets up apart from our competitors.

Our Standards

Our product range includes a wide array of random slabs, tiles and cut-to-size. Some of the prestigious projects we have supplied with our associates to South East Asia includes Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore.

Our Capabilities

We have some of the most sought after colors like Black Galaxy, Absolute Black, Tan Brown, Black Pearl, Irish Black, Coffee Brown, Flash Blue, CSSL Green, Sapphire Blue, Seaweed Green, Silver Pearl and Vizag Blue. Our color palette includes over 100 varieties of granite sourced within India in addition to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey & Vietnam.

satta king